Vol. 2, Issue 3, July 2009 Contents
July 2009 marks the 100th anniversary of a still unsolved murder in the City of Danbury, Connecticut. While the killers of Giovanni Zarcone remain unknown, history has linked them to the New York Mafia organization of Giuseppe Morello. In this issue, we examine the known details of the Zarcone murder and follow the links between the victim and other organized criminals of the era.What did Mafia boss of bosses Salvatore Maranzano look like? If you believe you know, author David Critchley says you’re mistaken. According to Critchley, a photograph often presented as a likeness of Maranzano is actually someone else’s mug shot. Read more about it and take a look at some actual images of Maranzano—plus Informer’s own approximation of a Maranzano mug shot.
Also in this issue: Researcher Bill Feather provides us with background data on scores of Pittsburgh-area Mafiosi and Informer tackles a question about the “Teflon Don,” John J. Gotti, late boss of the Gambino Crime Family.
Books coverage includes an excerpt from
King of the Sunset Strip: Hangin’ with Mickey Cohen and the Hollywood Mob by Steve Stevens and Craig Lockwood; an interview with Patrick Downey, author of
Gangster City and
Bad Seeds in the Big Apple; in addition to reviews of Mike Dash’s
The First Family and Sandra Harmon’s
Mafia Son.
1909 Mafia murder in Danbury, Connecticut, by Thomas Hunt. After a fruit farmer is shotgunned to death at his home, authorities connect him to the infamous Barrel Murder six years earlier. Eighteen pages.
(Preview)Maranzano Muddle by David Critchley, Ph.D. You may think you know what Salvatore Maranzano looked like, but a widely disseminated photo isn't Maranzano at all. Two pages.
(Preview)My First Dinner with Mickey by Steve Stevens and Craig Lockwood. A young Hollywood actor finds himself palling around with California racketeer Mickey Cohen. Four and a half pages
.(Preview)Pittsburgh Mafia Membership Chart, 1900-2000, by Bill Feather. Four pages.
(Preview)Interview: Patrick Downey. Two and a half pages.
Book Review of The First Family by Mike Dash. One and a half pages.
Book Review of Mafia Son by Sandra Harmon. One and a half pages.
Books: New Releases: One half page.
Ask the Informer: The Teflon Don's conviction. One page.
(Preview)A Look Back: 100 years, 75 years, 50 years. One half page.
(Preview)Current Events: DiNunzio reaches plea deal, 11 indicted as Bonanno crew in Florida, deputy U.S. marshal leaked witness info, Nicholas Corozzo sentenced for murder.
(Preview)Deaths: Alfonso Tornabene, Donato Angiulo.
48 pages including cover and advertisementsPublished July 15, 2009.