Full page, half page and quarter page Display Advertisements - in color or black and white - and text-only Classified Advertisements will be accepted providing they conform to the publication’s standards. Display Ads may be placed as dividers between sections of the journal. Others will occupy an advertising section at the back of the journal. No advertising will ever appear on the front page of the journal. Classified Advertisements may occupy the final inside journal pages.
Display advertising:
- Those purchasing full page, half page or quarter page Display Advertisements will receive an electronic copy of all issues in which their advertisements appear.
- Purchasers of Display Advertisements will be required to prepay for their advertisements.
- The deadline for contracting for a Display Advertisement is 30 days before the scheduled release date of the issue. The publisher may, at his discretion, extend the deadline for prepaid Display Advertisements.
- In order to meet the Display Advertising deadline, the advertiser must provide the journal publisher with an electronic or camera-ready printed copy of the desired advertisement. Full page ads must be 7.75 inches wide and 10.25 inches tall at a resolution of 300 dpi for normal page borders or 8.25 inches wide and 10.75 inches tall (with no text or critical component falling within a quarter-inch of the outside margin) to extend (bleed) to the printed page edges. Horizontal half page ads must be 7.75 inches wide and 5 inches tall at a resolution of 300 dpi. Quarter page ads must be 3.75 inches wide and 5 inches tall at a resolution of 300 dpi.
- If available, advertisers may obtain inside front cover or inside back cover placement of their full page advertisements for an additional 50% charge.
- The deadline for a Classified Advertisement is 30 days before the scheduled release date of the issue.
- The type size, style and capitalization in Classified Advertisements will be selected by the journal publisher. Type size will fall in the range of 9 points to 12 points.
- Advertisers can arrange with the journal publisher to have a Display Advertisement designed to their specifications. A design fee will be assessed for that work, with the advertiser responsible to pay a 50 percent deposit before work begins and the balance upon satisfactory completion of the ad.
(Last updated 4 April 2015.)
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